Advancements in Technology: Humanity's Onward Step Towards Innovation.

    In short, Computer Technologies or Advanced Technologies is what I view as a key for us humans to evolve into a much more intelligent or intellectual human beings. Technology really is the new reality unlike our past history wherein everything was done step-by-step or manually unlike today, AI or Artificial Intelligence can do it for you.

    It is important to study computer engineering because I can see that it will be an essential or mandatory knowledge to learn in the future. I can say or I think that in the future, everything will be advanced and we should be able to adapt in the latest technology or else, we will be left out.

    Although, Yes, It does sound like in the near future, if AI will take over us and do everything for the people, we can already see the downfall of using technologies in the bad side. Therefore we can say that, it is intriguing, yet, terrifying to see the outcome of our technologies and how it will be used by humans in the future day's of our innovation.

    What I want to point out in my Blog, is that, If all humans, pertaining to us, use technologies for the benefit of humanity, there would not be any problem at all or we should not be worried about anything. But then again, that is a question of "If". Not everyone has the same mindset, has the same social status, has the same life. There will always be Good and Bad in the world we live in, and that is inevitable, because there will always be balance in all things, as it should be. The world really is amazing, then again, scary.

    The benefits of using technology in the good way is that, life will be so much easier for us than before. For example, like washing your clothes. Imagine before where you have to clean your clothes one-by-one and scrub it really hard when in today's era, you just shove every piece of cloth you have in a washing machine and it does the job for you. We can experience a lot of changes in the past and in today's era. We have automatic driving cars, electric cars, the internet and so much more.

    Well not everything is as beautiful as we think, there will always be downsides in one story. Imagine if robbers, gangs, or bad groups be able to have a grasp of what power technology can provide them, imagine what could be the possible outcomes? Isn't it scary? People who invent our latest technologies wish for us to use them properly as how they are meant to be and not use it against others. 

    It is truly important to learn about what computer technologies can provide us, because through that, we can learn what is good or bad, we can learn the purpose and the importance of innovation, and how, in the near future, it can help us claim what us humans truly want. Freedom.


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